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Balancing fat loss & work events

health optimisation the wellness report Sep 13, 2024

Hey legend, I hope you've had a wicked week so far!


Personally speaking, I've had a great week!


Busy, tiring, and somewhat stressful, but a fantastic week nonetheless.


I've been a guest on two awesome podcasts and finally got off the waiting list for one of the best gyms here in the city,


So I'm feeling very grateful at the moment.


One of the things that I'll forever be grateful for is of course my health,


Which brings me perfectly onto my first segment...


Key health markers you should be tracking


In certain ways, business and health are very similar.


You get out what you put in.


One commonality is data tracking.


At the helm of any successful business, is data analysis.


If you don't know your data, you can't make educated decisions.


If you can't make educated decisions...


Well you know how that goes for businesses.


The same can be said of your health.


If you want to be successful with your health, it makes sense to be tracking health data, or health markers as they're typically known as.


Much like business, if you don't know the current state of your health,


How can you expect to be successful with it?


The truth is, you can't.


Information is power, and without that information, you're driving blind.


So what should you be tracking?


I could write a long and exhaustive list, but instead I've dialled it down to these 5:


  • Resting heart rate (RHR)
  • Heart rate variability (HRV)
  • Blood pressure (BP)
  • Lean muscle mass %
  • VO2 Max


Track these for at least 3-6 months and use the information to provide you with direction on what you should focus on improving.


Remember - What doesn't get tracked, doesn't get measured.


Personally I use a Whoop band to keep track of all my vital health markers, but I do need to invest in a blood pressure machine - which I'm going to buy right now.


Balancing fat loss & work events


In all my years of being a coach, there's one problem I've seen pretty much every client struggle with.


What's the problem you ask?


The challenge of attending work and social events, while managing nutrition targets.


These events are notorious for excess calories, alcohol, and as a result - ruined diets.


Besides vetoing these events entirely, which is typically impossible and not advised,


The objective is develop habits and awareness so one can successfully navigate them, regardless of how many you might have it a week.


Talking of habits, here's 5 tips I give my private clients:


  1. Learn to say no - Just because there's 3 courses, doesn't mean you are obligated to eat them.
  2. Be honest about your goals - If someone questions why you're on the zero-alcohol beers, be honest with them and let them know your priorities lie elsewhere.
  3. Eat before you go - An easy way to control your calorie consumption is to manage your hunger levels, eating a protein rich, nutrient dense meal beforehand will do just that.
  4. Stay hydrated - Staying hydrated will help you reduce hunger pangs.
  5. Know when to slip away - Just because it finishes at midnight, doesn't mean you have to see it out until the very end.


Consistently implement these habits and I guarantee you'll find balancing these events with your health and fitness goals much easier.


A supplement I can’t live without


A few weeks ago I spoke about creatine and why it was arguably the best supplement around.


Today I'm here with another contender for the top spot...




An absolute juggernaut of a mineral, magnesium is hands down one of my favourite and most important supplements I take.


It's that good I suggest it to all my clients, friends, & anyone that will listen to me.


So what makes it that great?


Here's a few of the awesome benefits:


  • Been shown to have a positive impact on sleep.
  • Could help you handle stress better and keep your cortisol levels in check, which can help with feelings of anxiety.
  • Could help with muscle recovery and exercise performance.


You can see that I'm not talking in absolutes here as there is mixed research on the benefits,


But it's widely regarded that the benefits mentioned above are true of magnesium.


Personally speaking it's had a very positive impact on me and a lot of my clients, and I know a lot of great coaches who swear by it as well.


I take it every night without fail and it certainly helps me get a deeper sleep - or maybe that's the placebo effect 👀


I keep it next to the sofa so I can knock them back when I'm watching Netflix in the evening.


Magnesium can be found in various foods ranging from leafy greens to nuts, seeds, and beans, but many people still don’t get enough in their diet.


If you are going to supplement it into your diet, I highly advise you do your own research and consider taking the advice of your GP/Practitioner.




My coaching program, The Paradigm Project, helps ambitious entrepreneurs, c-suites, & business owners live a healthier, stronger, and all around better life.


Most importantly, one of the main aims of the program is helping every single client achieve pain-free performance!


If you are in the mood to transform your health & fitness, then life changing results is within your reach.


 Click on the link to book in your free coaching call and we can build a plan that changes your life!



Quote for the day

"Your body hears everything your mind says" - Naomi Judd


On one of the podcasts I appeared on, I was asked whether I thought it was the body that leads the mind, or the mind that leads the body.


I firmly believe that your mind leads your body.


The human body is capable of some amazing things, it's a resilient fker when it wants to be.


Your mind will quit before your body does, so if you can develop mental toughness, your life is only going to improve.


Your health will get better, your mind sharper, and your confidence will explode.


Right I'm off,


Adios amigo,





P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here’s a few ways I can help you:


  1. Are you an ambitious entrepreneur or professional who wants to get strong, lean, and boost your energy? Then find out more about my 1-1 coaching here. 
  2. Grab a FREE copy of my Ultimate Health Guide by Clicking here now.