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How are your juggling skills?

longevity mindset the wellness report Dec 03, 2024

It's officially December!


​Pop open the Baileys, Irish up your coffee, and forget about health and fitness...

Ok maybe the first two.

I got a bit carried away there with all the excitement over Christmas.

you may have noticed my subject line and thought I was going to introduce some fancy new way of incorporating juggling and fitness.

Well unfortunately that's not the case.

Instead, I want to discuss the rubber vs glass ball theory...

How are your juggling skills?


There are certain non-negotiables in my life:

  • Working on my business
  • Being a nice person
  • Being there for my family
  • Prioritising my health and fitness

You already know that the last one is the most important to me.

When I'm nailing that, everything else in my life improves.

For some though, that couldn't be further from the truth.

Which to put it bluntly,

Is pure madness!

One of the most common reasons I've heard for not prioritising health and fitness,

Is the old excuse of 'I'm too busy'.

I get it, some people are genuinely very busy.

But I work with some extremely busy clients.

People who are flying across oceans every couple of weeks,

Yet they still make time for their health and fitness.


Because they have a deep understanding of just how valuable it is to them.

So, let me pose a question to you.

Do you ever feel like you're constantly juggling various balls at the same time?

You've heard the story plenty of times.

People telling stories of how many balls their juggling at once.

But how do you keep all the balls in the air without dropping something important or pushing your health and wellbeing to the edge of failure?

This juggling act is the life of any driven entrepreneur.


It's possible to juggle numerous balls at the same time and still maintain great health.


Introducing the rubber vs glass ball protocol.

When you recognise that some balls in your life are made of rubber and others are made of glass,

You're able to make a very important distinction.

Rubber balls bounce.

Glass balls shatter.

Drop a rubber ball and it's usually pretty easy to recover.

Drop a glass ball however and it may be game over.

That ball might be done for good!

I want you to picture that metaphor in your mind for a moment.

Visualise a rubber ball dropping out of your hands, bouncing off the floor, and back into your hands again.

Now picture yourself dropping a glass ball.


It doesn't bounce back up and instead explodes on the floor.

That ball is finished.

Your health is a glass ball.

Drop it and you may never get it back.

While the human body is fairly robust,

In reality, your health and fitness can be pretty frail.

Now to some this may sound extreme.

But the facts are there.

Neglect your health for long enough and the damage may not be reversible.

The glass ball that is your health and fitness needs to be cradled like nothing else.

So if your health is a glass ball, what counts as a rubber ball?

Well there are a few questions you can ask yourself to distinguish between the two.

What's the long-term effect of this ball?

The most important question to determining which ball it is. Ask yourself will this matter a week from now, a year from now, or ten years from now?

Who else cares about this ball?

You may or may not care about a particular ball but others around you might. Your partner, your kids, your team, and investors are all possible answers.

What’s the upside of this ball?

When you've got loads of balls in the air at the same time it's easy to place equal value on them. The upside of doing a great job with your health is far greater than that side hustle that's slowly destroying you.

If I dropped this ball, could I recover?

Most set backs in life are recoverable. After all they're a big part of success. This doesn't apply to everything though, with your health being a prime example. Mess up on a product launch? You can fix that. Mess up your health? A whole different story.

Should I even be juggling this ball?

You might be juggling balls that aren't yours to juggle in the first place. Or maybe you don't have to start until a later date. Or perhaps nobody should be juggling this particular ball.

Whenever you question the true importance of a ball, go through these questions and you'll have your answer.

You only get one body, one mind, one chance to keep them strong.

Neglect them long enough, and the cracks might start to show.

The most successful entrepreneurs I personally know are well aware of this.

They know you can't run a business on 50% effort.

They know that in order for them to be a successful as possible,

Their body needs to be firing on all cylinders!

They know the true value of protecting their glass balls at all costs.

So next time you find yourself juggling plenty of balls,

Protect the glass ones with your life!

You might not get them back.

My coaching program, The Paradigm Project, changes the lives of entrepreneurs and business leaders worldwide!

Most importantly, one of the main aims of the program is to help every single client achieve pain-free performance!

If you are in the mood to transform your health & fitness, then life-changing results are within your reach.

Click on the link to book your free coaching call and we can build a plan that changes your life!



Quote for the day


"Keep your vitality. A life without health is like a river without water."

- Maxime Lagacé

It's not the years in your life that counts, but the life in your years.

A life without happiness, laughter, movement, freedom, experiences,

Would be a shallow life.

The goal isn't just to live life, but to experience it.

Don't make it a tick you're boxing, but rather something you're enjoying.