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Ready, Steady, GO...

mindset neck pain nutrition the wellness report Jun 21, 2024

Hey there I've got a bit of exciting news to share with you today.


You might have noticed that I’ve been a little quiet on the email front recently, but that’s about to change and in a BIG way.


I’m launching a brand spanking new newsletter (which will have a name next week), to be delivered straight into your inbox every Friday.


It’s going to help the reader (that would be your great self) improve and optimise their health, performance, and just overall wellbeing.


I’m excited because it gives me another opportunity to provide you with some awesome information that will help you with your health and fitness journey.


Best of all, the contents will be squeezed into less than 5 minutes of highly valuable reading.


Each newsletter will then be posted online so you can always catch up if you miss out or accidentally delete an email 👀 


Right without any further ado, let’s get cracking with numero uno.



What have I got for you today:


  • Using fear as a motivator

  • How to eliminate your neck pain

  • The hidden secret of protein 



  1. Using fear as a motivator


Fear can do one of two things to you.


It can force you into retreat, scaring you into submission.


Or it can force you into action, pushing you to do things you didn’t know you were capable of.


I think fear is a great motivator and I’ll be 100% honest with you, it drives a lot of my daily actions. 


When channeled in the right way, fear can help you achieve great things. 


Personally speaking, one of my major fears in life is never being able to provide for a family. That fear gets my butt into my office and pushes me to work my ass off so that fear never becomes reality.


The fear of losing my physicality and not being able to move how I want, when I want, scares me into action and is part of the reason I’m as committed as I am to my training sessions.


Some might say it’s ‘unhealthy’, but I couldn’t disagree more, I think it’s perfectly normal to want to do anything you can to avoid your fears coming true.


Don’t see fear as a bad thing, instead use it as fuel to propel you forward. 


  1. How to eliminate your neck pain


Do you suffer with neck pain?


Neck pain plagues a lot of people these days, including yours truly.


From my experience of working with lots of professionals, it seems to be even more prevalent in those who are desk bound for long periods of the day.


Pain is often the result of weakness. 


When an area of the body is weaker than it needs to be and isn’t doing it’s required job effectively enough, the result can often be weakness then rearing it’s ugly head in the form of pain.


If you’ve ever had a bout of neck pain before, I bet you your initial reaction was to stretch the area.


And while stretching may deliver some temporary relief, it only serves to mask the problem and never actually solves the issue at hand.




A stronger neck is much less likely to be a painful neck. 


And believe it or not the stronger your neck, the less shoulder and lower back pain you’ll have. 


Yes you read that right, your weak neck may be contributing to your lower back and/or shoulder pain.


If you’re serious about fixing the problem, I’ve added some of my favourite neck strengthening exercises to a PDF that you can download here.


  1. The hidden secret of protein 


All 3 macronutrients have their uses, but if I were to choose one to put atop the pyramid, without question it’s protein.


Proteins main benefit is that it helps build and repair muscle, extremely important if you’re actively lifting weights each week.


If your goal is to build muscle and create a leaner, stronger physique, your diet needs to be high in protein.


But besides the obvious benefits, one of the hidden benefits of protein is that out of all three macronutrients, protein has the highest thermic effect of food, or TEF. 


The thermic effect of food refers to the amount of energy you body uses to digest, absorb, and metabolise the food you eat.


In Lehmans terms, your body burns more calories eating protein, than it does when it eats carbohydrate’s and fats.


A high-protein meal has been shown to increase the TEF, when compared to meals higher in carbs and fats.


Now, this number isn’t massive and it’s not something I tell clients to take a lot of notice off,


But nonetheless, if your goal is fat loss, any help you can get can only be seen as a positive thing.


These small ‘extras’ compounded over a week and a month, do add up to bigger thing with your fat loss efforts..


If anything, it’s just another reason for you to make sure you’re meeting your daily protein needs.


Are you an ambitious entrepreneur or professional who wants to become stronger, fitter, and more energetic, while eliminating their pain? Click this link to apply for my coaching program.  


A Quote For The Moment


“In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years”

- Abraham Lincoln 


Life is meant to be lived, and the number one factor behind how you life your life is your health. 


Ageing is inevitable, getting ‘old’ doesn’t have to be.


Put the work in so you can have ‘life in your years’.


Have a brilliant weekend,




P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here’s a few ways I can help you:

  1. Are you an ambitious entrepreneur or professional who wants to get strong, lean, and boost your energy? Then apply for my 1-1 coaching here.

  2. Take my free Professionals Health & Fitness Strength test to uncover the areas needed to take your results to the next level. Click here to start.